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A Dual Approach Stability And Enhancements

Labour's Brexit Strategy: Treading a Fine Line

A Dual Approach: Stability and Enhancements

As the upcoming general election draws near, Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has outlined a two-pronged Brexit strategy, seeking to balance the need for continuity with aspirations for improvement.

Keeping Brexit Intact, with Modifications

On one hand, Labour has pledged to leave the current Brexit settlement, negotiated by the Conservative government, largely intact. This decision reflects a recognition of the economic and political realities of the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union.

Seeking Enhanced Ties with the EU

However, Labour insiders acknowledge that there are diverging views within the party on Brexit. To address these divisions, Starmer has proposed pursuing an ambitious twin-track strategy: maintaining close trade and security ties with the EU while seeking to secure a better deal that addresses outstanding concerns.

Rolling Back Rejoining

Despite these aspirations, Labour has ruled out rejoining the EU single market or customs union. This decision underscores the party's commitment to respecting the results of the 2016 referendum, while leaving open the possibility for incremental improvements to the existing Brexit arrangements.


